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If you're dreaming of a LUXURIOUS GETAWAY that combines relaxation, adventure, and stunning surroundings, and FOR REALLY GREAT MONEY. let me introduce you to the Sunrise Tucana Resort in Egypt. I recently had the pleasure of spending my vacation there, and I can confidently say it's a destination that deserves a top spot on your travel bucket list....

Today I decided to write down some useful tips which I would like to share with you as I think it is either important or it can improve your results.

A tropical paradise or a surfer's paradise - that's Bali. It's a place you won't see anywhere else on earth, unique, beautiful, but for some it can also be disappointing. In the following articles you will learn why. This is not to say that I didn't like Bali, on the contrary, I fell in love with it! Only my ideas...

Come with me to relive my adventure of discovering the beauty of Vietnam where I spent two months of my life. In this article you will learn where I stayed, what I ate, what is worth visiting and what to avoid. I will show you what the local people's life is like and tell you how different it is from...



Birthdays - one of the events that we simply cannot avoid. We celebrate them every year and ideally several times at least in the family. But what if you don't want to eat hundreds of calories or fatty butter or whipped cream cakes? I have been asking myself this question for some time and came up with a recipe for...



New year, new adventures. This caption is exactly how can I describe the beginning of 2022. Not only I moved to Lyon, France because of my Erasmus exchange, but also in these 4 months I visited more places than in last 2 years together! :D You can look forward to more articles coming soon <3

I thought that it would probably be fair if I also wrote to you who is actually behind the whole Fit With Domi project and what my life path is like. So let's get to it!

Krásné mrazivé podzimní ráno si vyžaduje teplou voňavou snídani a já tu dnes pro vás na jednu mám tip ♥.

Mnoho z vás jistě tento recept nebo jeho variace zná, ale víte, že i toto jídlo jde udělat v odlehčené verzi a navíc plné zeleniny? Tak pojďme na to.

Pumpkin cream


Soups are an inseparable part of the cold weather. Today I have prepared a recipe for the simplest and best creamy pumpkin soup for you.

At the beginning of September, we went to Copenhagen, Denmark, and we immediately combined this with a one-day visit to the Swedish city of Malmö, which can only be reached from Copenhagen via a bridge.

Don't you have a sweet tooth in the morning? Then this easy recipe will be right for you!



Vacation time!! <3 I can't even say how excited I am about it after tough exam period that just ended for me at my university. Best feeling ever...

Don't you have a sweet tooth in the morning? Then this easy recipe will be right for you!

Často se setkávám s tím, že se mě lidi ptají, kde mají určité potraviny kupovat. Z toho důvodu jsem se rozhodla sepsat tento článek a dát vám pár tipů na potraviny, které nakupuji a hlavně KDE je nakupuji. Pokud by vás tohle téma zaujalo, určitě mi dejte vědět dole v komentářích a já dám dohromady další část!