
Birthdays - one of the events that we simply cannot avoid. We celebrate them every year and ideally several times at least in the family. But what if you don't want to eat hundreds of calories or fatty butter or whipped cream cakes? I have been asking myself this question for some time and came up with a recipe for a delicious, light and fluffy cake full of fruit, which I supplement with dark chocolate - but of course it can be transformed into another form.

As I write this article, I think about turning it into a chocolate version for my brother's birthday with the help of cocoa and chocolate protein. Yum! Would you like the recipe for the modified version as well?

Fit birthday cake
Fit birthday cake

Ingredients for smaller cake mold 

(If you are baking a classic large cake, increase the amount of ingredients by about 1/3)


  • 4 eggs
  • 5tbs erythritol (85g)
  • 5tbs spelled flour (120g)
  • 1,5tsp baking powder (5g)
  • 2tbs rapeseed oil (15g)
  • 2tbs vanilla protein (15g)


  • 500g quark/ cream cheese 
  • 1x Phiadelphia light
  • 20g chicory/agave syrup
  • 12g erythritol vanilla (or vanilla sugar)
  • 45g erythritol
  • 1x cream fix


  1. Separate the yolks from the egg whites and whisk the egg whites with 1/2 of erythritol to a firm consistency so that "tips" form as when meringue is made.
  2. In another bowl, whisk the yolks with the remaining erythritol into the foam. Then add oil and whisk.
  3. Mix the loose ingredients and add 1/3 to the egg yolks and oil.
  4. Add 1/3 of the whipped egg whites and the rest of the loose ingredients to the mixture - mix well.
  5. In the end, carefully mix the remaining 2/3 of the whipped whites into the mixture with a spatula - but be careful, the dough must be really beautifully connected, but still fluffy
  6. Bake in a form lined with baking paper or in a form sprinkled with flour or coconut at 170 - 180 degrees celsius for about 15 minutes. (until the corpus is beautifully golden and sticks to the stick)

* if the surface of the cake is already golden, but the bottom is not finished, for example, cover the cake mold with aluminium foil so that the top of the cake does not burn.

Whip the cottage cheese and phiadelphia with whipped cream fix and gradually whip erythritol and chicory syrup - let it cool in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Bon Appetit!