I created a YouTube channel!


This week is full of surprises, isn't it? : D I released an E-book first and now I am launching a YouTube channel. But that's me. I still have my head full of ideas that I want to implement. But sometimes it is necessary to bring me back from heaving my head in the clouds to the ground.

Anyway, I won't run away from the topic and I'll get straight to the point


Why did I start Youtube and what can you expect from me there?

Anyone who knows me knows that I have been playing sports since I was a child. Sport is my love and I can't imagine my life without it. I was lucky that my parents supported me in sports and I was able to try countless types of activities. In some sports, I brought it to a relatively high level, where I had the chance to learn from the professional. Since then, I still feel obliged to pass it on the others, so that everything I have learned is not wasted. That's why I started coaching.

And because the times are bad and current measures do not allow us to run team sports or visit gyms, Biosfit, where I train children, has switched to online trainings. And that was the fateful spark that ignited the fire in my head.

Why should I train only a small circle of children when I can help you all? Well, that's the beginning of this story.

This is how the FIT WITH DOMI channel was created, where you will find various series of videos. I plan to create a total of 3-4 series. You can definitely look forward to the series "beginner", "advanced" and "stretch & flexi" = a series focused on stretching with elements of yoga and pilates. Once a month I also plan to shoot a "full day of eating", where you will see how I eat and I will definitely not deprive you of some healthy and excellent recipes.

Here is the link:

If you come up with something you would like to film from me, be sure to write me a message / email or write me here in the comments.

Have a nice day,

 Domi ♡