Pancakes with caramelised apples


Sweet cinnamon scent of autumn - these are pancakes filled with sweet cottage cheese and raisins with caramelised apples

Today I have prepared my favorite autumn breakfast for you. I'm sure you'll love it too, because the smell and taste of sweet cinnamon caramelized apples is simply irresistible. ♡

Ingredients per 2 servings:


  • 100g barley flour (or any other plain flour)
  • approx. 250ml milk of your choice 
  • 1 egg
  • pinch of salt
  • 1tbs sweetener - I used the chicory syrup (but you can use maple/agave/...)
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1. tsp cinnamon


  • apple
  • cinnamon
  • sweetener - chicory syrup/ zero topping...
  • low-fat cottage cheese (but for sure you can use full fat/ normal one)
  • raisins
  • vanilla zero flavdrops (not necessarily needed)
  • coconut oil


  1. Mix the eggs with milk, chicory syrup and coconut oil
  2. Add mixed loose ingredients (cinnamon, flour).
  3. Fry the pancakes in a non-stick dry pan or in a classic pan with a little coconut oil / ghee.
  4. Fill the pancakes with mixed cottage cheese with vanilla flavdrops (who doesn't, will use honey / chicory syrup ..) and raisins.
  5. Put coconut oil in a pan / saucepan and diced peeled apple
  6. Fry the apple in a pan until soft and then sprinkle with cinnamon and add a sweetener (chicory syrup / honey / agave syrup ..) and let it "caramelize". If the mixture starts to burn, add more coconut oil.
  7. .

Bon Appetit!