

New year,  new adventures. This caption is exactly how can I describe the beginning of 2022. Not only I moved to Lyon, France because of my Erasmus exchange, but also in these 4 months I visited more places than in last 2 years together! :D You can look forward to more articles coming soon <3

About our trip

Meet my Erasmus friends from Lyon! So this is our girl squad - international exchange students, that decided to visit Geneva, beautiful city in Switzerland.

From Lyon, we traveled by Flixbus, which was cheapest but also comfortable option for us, because we could plan our trip on the way.  The return tickets cost us 25 EUR.

What we visited

After arrival to the city, we walked to United Nations - it is a huge area and it is worth visiting. But be careful! You need to book the tickets in advance (maybe it is because of Covid now, I am not sure, but without them, they won't let you in and it is was not possible to buy tickets there). Also there is a statue of the huge chair just in front of UN building.

From UN we continued to the lake. The view was magical - the lake and the Alpes in the background? Like in a magazine. Just the weather sucked a little :D It was so windy, that there were waves on the lake and the famous Jet (water fountain) was not working - what a shame! So we walked around the lake, saw The Flower clock and continued to the city centre.

Our next stop was magnificent St Pierre Cathedral that is must see. Beautiful from the outside as well as from the inside. After visiting the cathedral we made a stop for the typical delicious swiss hot chocolate.

It was almost a golden hour so we decided to go back to the port for the sunset, which was a really good idea as it was awesome. I definitely recommend you to do that if you will be there.

Last stop after walking in the city centre was in the restaurant, where we enjoyed tasty meal.

It was very nice trip and Geneva is a great place to go. But be aware that it is Switzerland, so everything is more expensive there. 

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