Photomodeling tips


Good morning world!

Today I decided to write down some useful tips which I would like to share with you as I think it is either important or it can improve your results.

I started with photomodeling when I was 15 and one famous photographer contacted me directly because he saw my photos and found me interesting.

To be honest, my mum is not really a big fan of modeling or photomodeling, so we were arguing about it a lot. I know she was just trying to protect me and I love her for that. 

But now, when I am more experienced and older, I can't be more grateful for what she did. Thanks to her, I was really careful all the time and I never had a bad experience with any photoshoot. BUT I know some girls weren't that lucky and I heard a lot of stories about sexual harassment and other things. This is why I wrote down some tips for you.

Back to my beginning
Back to my beginning

So here comes the TIP 1: Always check, who your photographer is.

- google his name, check modeling facebook blacklists

- go through his social media and portfolio

- if you feel like something is not ok just cancel it - it can be just a feeling from her/his photos

- if you are scared and want to do modeling, just try to use modeling agency, they'll take care of you

TIP 2: Create a moodboard before your photoshoot
It is always a big help, when you have some inspiration - for hair, outfits, posing or makeup. I usually use Pinterest to do such a thing.

Just search for the keywords related to your upcoming photoshoot. It can be "photoshoot poses", "fashion photoshoot", "nude makeup", "glam makeup", "wet look" or whatever you like.

I'll show you my moodboard for the last photoshoot here:

TIP 3: Follow protographers and models for inspiration, but do not copy them because each one of us is unique and what fits to one does not necessarily fit to others - find your personal style.

For example I usually use my eyes because of their color - together with great light it looks just magical, I love it so much.

TIP 4: Enjoy the whole thing, don't be scared, relax :)

For more photos check my IG:

More photos from photoshoots